The American Newbie

Where Is Home When You Live Abroad?

Vacation, Home away from home, Live abroad

So where is home? ... If I had a dollar for every time I get asked that question, I would be cruising in my Tesla right now! 

It’s a logical question that most people ask to understand one’s origins – especially for us non-native English speakers. However, this question can sometimes trigger way more emotions than it’s intended. For some people, it’s a constant reminder that they are away from their families. 

Personally, I have always viewed the question as an opportunity to educate people about my country and its culture. So, the answer to that question always came very naturally to me. I was always quick and eager to answer “Benin”. Benin is my motherland – where I was born and raised, and where my family still resides. I lived there for several years before moving to the United States in 2011.  

Recently, while talking to my friend (who is also living abroad) about some of the challenges that foreigners face while living in a country different than their own, a common theme was the notion of Home. I realized that although I have become very accustomed to the United States norms, culture and traditions, my coworkers might say otherwise ;). The reality for people like us is that regardless of how great we hold on to our native culture, or how well we learn about the culture and traditions of the countries we live in, we are still foreign to both worlds. In my situation, I became too Americanized for a lot of Beninese nationals, yet not Americanized enough for my dearly loved Americans. This has been so well written by Ijeoma Umebinyuo in the Diaspora Blues 

“So, here you are 
too foreign for home 
too foreign for here. 
Never enough for both.” 
– Ijeoma UmebinyuoDiaspora Blues 

So why I am writing about this? 

Home can have different significances for different people. I realized that home for me, was more than just where I was born or where my family resides. Don’t get me wrong, being from Benin is perhaps the most amazing things that happened to me. It shaped me into who I am today and unleashed me with the knowledge and strengths necessary to thrive!  

Home to me is where I have that sense of community, it’s where I’m the most comfortable to be myself, and where my heart is the most filled with happiness. To everyone trying to find their perfect answer to “where is home?”, I leave you with this beautiful saying of Warsan Shire –  

 At the end of the day, it isn’t where I came from. Maybe home is somewhere I’m going and never have been before.”  

Your mind is powerful and the perfect mindset will help you make the most out of your journey and achieve greatness! 

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